Why Us?

We at ETT Environmental Inc believe that experience and expertise are the most important considerations in choosing a laboratory to conduct biological testing.  Above all, the results need to be reliable and supported by a staff with the ability to understand what the results say about your goals. Our team is experienced in a diverse array of biological tests and we have a reliable history of getting results for our clients.

We serve many of the largest industries, municipalities, and federal facilities across the nation. Our reputation is built on a foundation of unsurpassed expertise, experience and personal relationships with our clients. Our concept of service is to walk with you and forge a partnership during every project. We are confident you will be impressed by the personal attention we give each client and the integrity of our staff.

If you have any questions or concerns about how we can best help you, please do not hesitate to contact us...

Phone: (864)-877-6942


Toxicity Testing

Toxicity testing is the heart of our environmental monitoring services.  Our experience is broad in all types of toxicity testing.

Premium dependable toxicity test results depend on the condition of cultured test organisms. To assure that our clients obtain accurate test results we provide advanced techniques for culturing of Ceriodaphnia dubia, Fathead Minnows, and other test organisms.  Our cultures exhibit a history of stability and consistency.

Chemical Analysis

Analysis of chemical parameters is one of the three pillars of the environmental monitoring triad – completing the picture along with toxicity testing and assessments of aquatic fauna. ETT is certified to conduct analyses of a wide range of chemical parameters, we can do more than merely report numerical results. We can tell you what the results mean and explain the likely impacts. 

ETT is certified to analyze for a wide range of chemical parameters; including metals, inorganics, aggregate organics, and unusual parameters such as CTAS and redox potential. We specialize in analysis and interpretation of chemical data, with the broad expertise to relate the data to toxicity testing and in-stream assessment results. 

Toxicity Identification Evalutions (TIE) Studies

Phase I Characterization

Familiarity with established EPA protocols and creativity in developing new ways to uncover complex forms of toxicity give us the edge in defining the type of toxicants behind effluent toxicity. Our treatability laboratory is equipped for toxicity identification, and our scientists are trained and ready to accomplish the task.

Phase II and III- Identification/Confirmation

In most cases our team can identify the cause of toxicity without the need for the potentially costly and lengthy protocols for Phase II. Our experts also provide consultation in choosing the best path when complex toxicity situations arise.

Ecological Assessment

In-stream assessments of aquatic fauna are one of the three primary methods of determining effects upon water quality in receiving streams.  Headed by an environmental scientist with a Ph.D. in Entomology, ETT holds a vast amount of experience in macroinvertebrate studies. 

Scope of Work:  Years of experience provide ETT scientists with the ability to prepare Scope of Work plans for submittal and acceptance by regulators.

Sampling:  Our team is completely equipped for qualitative sampling, multi-plate samplers, light traps, and ponor grabs.

Taxonomic Identification:  Our staff includes qualified taxonomists who provide accurate freshwater and estuarine macroinvertebrate identification.

Data Analysis:  Our scientists are respected for their expertise, analysis and interpretation of this type of data.

Site Specific Studies

Our team is one of the most experienced in Site Specific Studies. We conducted the first WER Study approved by the USEPA for a South Carolina permitted discharger and South Carolina was among the first states in the nation to allow the use of Site Specific Studies. The quality control requirements of Site Specific Studies are rigorous and only laboratories with the necessary expertise can successfully complete these tests.

How does the WER study work?

Using an EPA approved method, parallel toxicity tests are conducted to compare the toxicity of a metal in laboratory water to the toxicity of the same metal in site downstream water. Of course the toxicity in downstream water is the real life situation. Copper (Cu) may be toxic at 10 ppb in laboratory water and 50 ppb in site downstream water. This gives a ratio of 50/10=5.0 which is used to adjust your effluent limit for the metal in your permit.

      Your old permit limit   =  20 ppb

      Your new permit limit = 100 ppb

We have successfully modified many of our client’s NPDES permit metal limits based on Site Specific Studies. The limits are raised, but the receiving streams are still protected!

Treatability Studies

Toxicity Source Studies

Our team can track toxicity back to the source with a variety of techniques, including bench scale biological treatment of different trunk lines, and chemical fingerprinting. We provide technical data and evidence needed to confirm the toxicant sources and revise pretreatment permits.

Toxicity Reduction

potential solutions for wastewater toxicity problems are many, including waste minimization/recycling, use of alternative chemicals, operation changes, modification of pretreatment permits, and chemical treatment. Choosing the best solution and verifying the effectiveness of proposed solutions develops at the interface between our scientist and your engineers.

OECD & PMN Testing

At ETT Environmental, our team has experience and expertise in testing of new chemicals under OECD methods and PMN requirements, as well as developing data for submittal to the EPA under OPPTS/OCSPP testing guidelines. We offer testing services worldwide.

All tests can be optional performed under GLP Standards

OECD (Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development) Methods

Method 201: Alga, Growth Inhibition Test

Method 202: Daphnia sp. Acute Immobilisation and Reproduction

Method 203: Fish, Acute Toxicity Test

Method 209: Activated Slude, Respiration Inhibition Test (ASRIT)

Method 301D: Ready Biodegradability; Closed Bottle Test

Method 301B: Inherent Biodegradability; Zahn-Wellens/EMPA Test

OPPTS/OCSPP (EPA Office of Chemical Safety & Pollution Prevention)

Ecological Effects Test Guidelines

OCSPP 850.4500: Algal Toxicity

OPPTS 850.1010: Aquatic Invertebrate Acute Toxicity Test, Daphniids

OPPTS 850.1075: Fisch Acute Toxicity Test, Freshwater & Marine Fate, Transport, and Transformation Test Guidelines

OPTTS 835.3110: Ready Biodegradability

OCSPP 850.3300: Activated Sludge, Respiration Inhibition Test (ASRIT)

OCSPP 885.4200: Freshwater Fish Testing, Tier 1

OCSPP 885.4240: Freshwater Aquatic Invertebrate Testing, Tier 1